Even though the game and figures are planned and developed in advance, once production begins, we can notice flaws that need to be corrected, or better ways of realizing a specific component. So we reserve the right to change what needs to be changed in order to ensure the final product is as we want it to be, which may sometimes differ slightly from what was initially shown.
Articles in this section
- Kickstarter General Schedule
- What is the status of my pledge?
- Will I have to pay custom fees?
- Why is my game being delayed?
- Can I find all Kickstarter expansions at retail?
- Can I pledge using my Apple ID?
- Kickstarter Terms and Conditions
- I missed the crowdfunding phase. Can I just buy a crowdfunding exclusive?
- What is the maximum amount of pledges I can order?
- Why does my local game store have the game before I have received all of my items?
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