Yes, you can get a refund.
- If you request your refund within 14 days of the campaign’s end, you will receive a full refund.
- If you request a refund after 14 days of the campaign’s end, but before the pledge manager is closed, there is a 10% fee deducted from the refund amount.
- If you request a refund after the pledge manager closes, there is a 17.5% fee deducted from the refund amount.
- If we've begun packaging your pledge for shipment (usually 4 to 6 weeks before the actual shipping date), no refunds can be issued.
- All refunds will be processed through the same payment method you used. We will use your PayPal email to initiate the refund and as a backup in case the card you charged for the campaign did not go through.
To request a refund, please use the "Submit a Request" button on this page and fill out the pertinent info on the request form.
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